Andrea Territo's Online Portfolio

Has It Been That Long Already...

In my original goal statement, I wrote "Technology is something that never ceases to amaze me. However I cannot believe, as technology advances, that the world continues to speed up. I always felt that if we all just had the newest gadgets, it would create more time to do other things. Yet, reality is exactly the opposite. Fast-paced, two-person incomes, wanting the best of the best, and keeping up with the Jones are just a few things that come to mind." Be it fortunately or unfortunately, I feel this is still true.

It has been said that technology by itself is not going to increase student success. Yet if you place a teacher who has access to technology and is passionate about teaching, “good teaching with technology does make a big difference” ~ Cheryl Lemke. Kids learn best when parents take an active role in their education and using technology effectively can lead to increased communication. I feel using technology to make a difference in education still can be as simple as using Microsoft Word to write a weekly/monthly newsletter OR as complex as creating a website where parents and students can interact on a deeper level. However, technology should make the connection between the classroom and home.  

I remain in favor of technology helping deal with stumbling blocks in education that have not been successfully addressed using traditional resources. ‘Leveling the playing field’ is what I called it and by that, I meant most kids have had exposure to a computer. All of a sudden, you have student who normally doesn't get the work done completing the assignment because it's "ON THE COMPUTER." If given the opportunity, students can word process by typing their answers or papers in a Word document and creating PowerPoint presentations for a project. Even these most basic computer/technology skills will help them to succeed later in life.

Finally, I'd still like to use technology to further increase my efficiency as a teacher. What I have found in the last few years, however, is easier said than done. I have yet to see a school where every teacher has access to the most productive and/or popular gadgets in every classroom. And if there is a school... I want to work there! Actually using a web page/email to communicate daily, chatting in real time with parents, and posting/interacting similarly to the way online courses work is still a dream. Why?

by: Andrea Territo